Who We Are

TreeHugger II creates premium wood products from residential tree removals, and we believe that matters.

Our TreeHugger tree removal company is there from removal to revival, reclaiming some of the Metro’s oldest and finest residential trees to be repurposed into premium slabs and dimensional wood, and we believe that matters. Our TreeMec allows us to retrieve large logs, which partners beautifully with our Lucas mill that can mill and flatten slabs. With our iDRY Plus Vacuum Kiln, we can dry large slabs and up to 4000 BF of material in a controlled environment that protects the color and conditions of the woods thru the drying process with a shorter drying cycle than other drying techniques. We’re not just milling wood; we are offering a product that is project ready.

Our Services

TreeHugger II offers a wide range of premium wood products and services, from wood slabs & lumber sales to iDry vacuum kiln drying, custom milling, and flattening. With expertise in responsible tree removal, we provide sustainable solutions to cater to your every timber need.

Premium Wood Slabs and Lumber Sales

iDRY Vacuum Kiln Drying

Custom Milling and Flattening

Log Transportation

Tree Removal

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